A/N: House points if anybody can tell me where I got the name Adara! ~Draca The Marauders Part 2: Sweet Success 'All right.' Sirius whispered to James, who was walking alongside him, although nobody could tell. 'This had better work, or we are going to be in a LOT of trouble.' 'It'll work.' said Adara confidently. 'What's the problem? Don't trust me?' 'I trust you!' he said hurriedly. 'I just... I'm just nervous, is all.' 'O.K.' Remus spoke up. 'Everyone do exactly what you're supposed to do.' 'Don't forget to give us the signal so we know you've got it, James.' Adara whispered to her left. 'Right.' he whispered back, giving her an invisible thumbs-up. 'Go!' she hissed as four of them entered the library. Peter hung back outside the door, should any of them need a diversion. Sirius and Adara headed right over to the central table and sat down, waited for Remus to begin distracting Madam Frick, and then started a very loud fight, accompanied by poking. 'It's all your fault, Black!' 'MY fault? Who lost the parchment?' 'Who forgot to remind me not to?' 'That made even less sense then usual!' 'I can't flunk Transfiguration!' 'ME NEITHER!' The other students in the library immediately turned their attention to, and subsequently became engrossed in, the unfolding soap opera at the center table. 'Hey! That hurt!' 'Well, you spilled your ink in my lap. You deserved it.' 'That was an accident!' *~*~*~* Meanwhile, Remus was standing in front of the librarian's desk. 'Er...Madam?' he asked timidly. 'Yes?' she asked irritably. 'I was...I was wondering if you could show me where I could find the recipe for Confusing Concoctions in this book?' he said, hefting a gigantic, dusty Potions text up in front of him with a loud thump. *~*~*~* Peter stationed himself outside the library door and tried to look nonchalant. It didn't matter what those other three fools said; he, Peter Pettigrew, was at least smart enough to know not to trust that girl, that conniving little Slytherin. They'd regret it, the three of them. He knew they would. They acted so big, so brave, so... superior. And she was just the same, now that they'd let her join. And everyone looked down on Peter, little, weak, pathetic Pettigrew... well, he'd show them. He was the only one with any sense. Oh well - if he didn't play along, her plan wouldn't work. That would show them. Peter yawned boredly and leaned against the wall. *~*~*~* James was slipping silently toward the restricted section, chucking to himself while listening to Sirius and Adara's argument. They're pretty fair actors, he mused to himself, pulling a piece of parchment out of his pocket. 'SHUT UP!' 'NO! Nya nya nya nya nya!' 'I'm going to put a Chicken-Pox Charm on you!' 'You wouldn't dare, you little troll!' James glanced down at the instructions for opening the bookshelf written in Adara's green spirals, even though he knew them by heart. Finally, he arrived at the specific bookshelf under a large, gilt-framed portrait of Nicolas Flamel and knelt down in front of it. 'Let's see.' he muttered to himself. 'Looking for Magic through the Ages...' He spotted the large, dusty, boring-looking volume almost at once and tapped it with his wand. 'Dissendium!' he hissed, and suddenly a portion of the bookshelf ground back behind the one next to it, revealing a long, narrow passage. James squeezed his skinny frame through the opening and crawled on his stomach through the stone tunnel, compressing his shoulders so he didn't get wedged, until he finally emerged into a room so small that he couldn't stand up all the way. A single wall sconce cast greenish shadows onto the small bookshelf along one wall, which he hurried over to. Right away, he found the golden-embossed spellbook about Animagi, pulled it out, wiped the cobwebs away with one long sleeve, and stowed it inside his robes. Well, that was easy, he thought, preparing to squeeze back into the passage. Which he found closed. Uh-oh. *~*~*~* Adara stopped arguing with Sirius for a moment and looked at her watch. 'Shouldn't he be back by now?' she mouthed at him. Sirius frowned. 'Yeah,' he whispered back. Adara raised her voice again. 'You couldn't charm me with an amateur wand, Squib!' 'Want to see me try??!' *~*~*~* Remus was running out of stupid questions and fast getting into deep water. 'Uh...um...' he managed, faking a coughing fit. 'Do you need to go to the nurse, Mr. Lupin?' asked Madam Frick boredly, raising her eyes from her book and pushing her glasses up her nose. 'Er...no, no; I'm fine.' he said swiftly, his gaze darting wildly over to Adara and Sirius. 'What...uh, where's the books about,' Think, Remus, think! 'Magical Creatures!' That's it. Good save, old boy! 'Mr. Lupin.' said the librarian severely, 'Have you been in this school for two years or two days? You know very well where the Care of Magical Creatures texts are. Are you trying to... hide something from me?' she asked, her eyes narrowing as she tried to peer around him. He took a sharp step sideways to block her gaze. 'No, Madam, nothing.' Peter, what the hell are you waiting for? Now's a good time for a diversion! RIGHT NOW! *~*~*~* James was trying hard not to panic, but he was fast getting claustrophobic in the tiny, dark, stonewalled room. Adara hadn't said anything about the passage closing... or had she? He racked his brains, clutching the thick text to his chest, and thought back to their conversations the previous week. He was just wondering whether this should be the moment he should choose to go insane when something came back to him: 'So what happens when he gets in there?' 'Well...are you listening, James?' 'Mm-hmm.' 'Well, it's the same charm used on Platform 93/4...' There we go. James thought harder. 'Looks like it's there, but it's not...' Aha! he thought to himself. Jackpot. He laid down on his stomach and crawled toward the place where the passage opening had been a few minutes ago, closed his eyes, clutched the book, and went toward what looked like solid wall. When he opened his large blue eyes a few seconds later and wiped the dust off his glasses, he was in the passage again, and he could hear Adara and Sirius still arguing somewhere distantly down the tunnel. His worries dispersed, and he began inching faster toward the main library. Suddenly, there was a squeaking noise, followed by little scuffling sounds. James jerked his head toward the noises, but the passage was so narrow that he couldn't see back down it past his shoulders, and he began going faster still. All in an instant and with a flash of light, tiny creatures began rushing down the tunnel at him, and he threw up his arms to cover his face. He felt tiny sharp nails scratching his wrists through his robes, and knew exactly what the beings were. He'd just read about them in Defense Against the Dark Arts the other day. 'Damn!' he muttered out loud. 'Red Caps!' Instinctively, his hands went down his robes for his wand, but the tunnel was so narrow he couldn't get to it. Jerking his head up in surprise, he managed to bang it severely on the passage roof, and saw stars. *~*~*~* 'I am really getting worried now.' Adara said to Sirius in an undertone. 'Do you think he's all right?' 'OF COURSE!' Sirius yelled, still trying to keep the students' attention should James suddenly come bursting out of a wall or something. Adara glanced toward Remus, who was looking decidedly uncomfortable. 'Where's Peter? He was supposed to explode something if anything went wrong!' 'I know,' Sirius replied, lowering his voice for a minute. 'You think one of us should go out there?' 'You go.' said Adara decisively. 'I'll uh- follow James, I guess.' Sirius gathered his books, stood, and strode toward the door with the look of one turning his back on an enemy. Adara briefly admired his acting ability, but as soon as the library door closed behind him, there was a deafening explosion, which shook the room and sent a horde of excited students along with the librarian rushing out of the library in a stampede. 'Thanks, Sirius.' Adara muttered inaudibly, abandoning her books and rushing into the restricted section. Quicker then lightning, she had the passage open and was halfway inside it, yelling 'JAMES! Are you all right?! Where are you?' 'I'm fine!' his voice echoed from some distance down the twisting narrow tunnel. 'Don't...don't come down here... Red Caps...' 'WHAT?!' she yelled. 'RED CAPS?' 'Yeah!' he shouted back. 'I've almost got them off- Go back! I'll be out in a minute-' 'HURRY!' she shouted. 'Wait there!' he yelled back, his voice sounding closer. *~*~*~* 'What do you think you are doing, Mr. Black?' asked the librarian furiously, as Remus slipped silently away and Peter cowered behind a group of Ravenclaw fifth-formers, trying not to look at Sirius. People would expect a wand backfiring from Peter Pettigrew, but never from Sirius Black, and he wasn't going to be happy. 'My...wand..' Sirius started meekly, then began to get into it. 'My wand backfired, Madam. I'm sorry, I'll clean up the mess.' he finished confidently, shoving his hands in his pockets. 'Yes, you certainly will!' Madam Frick said sternly, to the amusement of the audience of students surrounding the mess. 'And then I think you shall have a detention or two!' Sirius groaned. *~*~*~* 'Hurry, James, will you please?' Adara hissed down the tunnel. James was making his way down the passage as fast as he possibly could without getting stuck, but the darkness made it impossible for him to see where he was going. Since he was still wearing the Invisibility Cloak, he crashed squarely into Adara. 'Sorry.' he muttered, pulling it off his head. 'Yeah.' she said. 'We have to go - now!' The two of them backed quickly out of the passage and James threw the cloak over their shoulders and whispered, 'Go. Now. Hurry!' It was rather hard to run in a way so the cloak didn't fall off the two of them, but they managed all right after the first few steps, and soon they were out of the Restricted Section and had slipped out of the library. James tapped out their signal with his wand on the doorframe and Sirius's eyes flickered over to where the sound was coming from, as James and Adara slipped toward Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and James shoved the supple cloak down his robes. 'Yes, Madam.' Sirius said politely, desperate to get away. 'All right, then.' she said in a cold voice, spun and walked away. The crowd of students began to disperse. Sirius stomped disgruntledly down to the dungeons and threw open the door to the girls' toilet. 'Honestly, that old dragon-' He stopped abruptly when he saw James, Remus and Adara collectively holding a giant gilded textbook and wearing smiles from ear to ear. 'YES!' he whooped. *~*~*~* A/N: Yawn. Well, that was nice. Reviews are GREATLY appreciated-leave them here or talk to me at DracaMalfoy@aol.com. These get better as the gang gets older. I have this thing about writing kids - I don't like doing it! So naturally, the later years are better. Please, PLEASE leave me reviews. Must I beg?