~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The Marauders ~ Year One By: Noelle Chapter 7: A Black Christmas ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ James Potter's POV November quickly faded into December. Teachers could be found sealing up every nook and cranny in the castle. Some teachers, like Professor Flitwick, could be found decorating the halls in the spirit of Christmas. Teachers were giving out 5 assignments a night. It was growing colder. Voldemort was growing stronger… Every day, Professor Dumbledore would announce more deaths. It seemed as if the bleak black tapestry would forever hang on the wall. I wasn't worried. Not yet… After all, the Potters were a respectful and powerful wizarding family. Voldemort wouldn't dare to attack. Not yet… My fights with FireDragon became less frequent. Two or three fights, as opposed to six or seven. However, our fights had a worse outcome. We have sent each other to the hospital wing so much, as of late, that Madame Pomfrey was considering making a separate hospital wing, just for us. Lately, I've felt as if someone (or something) was watching over me. A presence of some sort. It's not evil. I think that it is trying to protect me. "Potter, what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane," asked Professor Hoffman, snapping me out of my musings. We were in first period double potions. Ugh. I searched my mind for the answer. "Wolfsbane is green, monkshood is violet," whispered a voice. I was shocked. Evans, Lily Evans, gave me an answer? "Monkshood is violet and wolfsbane is green," I told the Professor. Was it my imagination, or was Professor Hoffman turning rather violet himself? "Potter, do you mock me?" asked Professor Hoffman. "Of course not, Profe - " "Potter, I just told the class about monkshood and wolfsbane. They are the same plant. You will learn more about it at detention tonight." "But sir, I don't have detention," I said. "You do now, Potter," he said, handing me a detention slip. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sirius add another tally in that notebook of his. We only have around 1,200 to go now. I turned to Evans. "Why'd you do that to me?" I hissed. Evans giggled. "That's for the dreadful spots you gave me yesterday…" Luckily for Evans, the bell rang. ******* (time change) ******* The rest of the Marauders and me walked to Hagrid's that evening. We have been visiting him since the 2nd week of school. "'Ello!" Hagrid greeted us. "Come in." We went inside and sat around the table. "Would yeh like some rock cakes?" Hagrid asked us politely. "Er, no thank you, Hagrid," I answered quickly. "'ow about a cup o' tea?" he asked. We agreed to tea. Over tea, we talked about Quidditch, and things to do to Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat. I looked at my watch. The longest hand was pointing to 'Detention'. "Hagrid, we have to go now," I said. "Detention calls." "Bye Hagrid. See you next week!" we called out as we walked towards the castle. I ran to the Potions dungeon. Professor Hoffman was waiting for me, and looking very peeved. Peeves must have thrown blueberry pies at him. "Your detention is to organize all of the Potions ingredients. What are you waiting for? Get on it!" Professor Hoffman snapped. "If you need me, I shall be hunting down a certain poltergeist." He ran out of the room, leaving me looking at the tables and tables of Potions ingredients. ******* (time change) ******* Three hours later, I finally finished. I sleepily walked to the Gryffindor Common Room, and gave the Fat Lady the password (Silver Arrow). I climbed into my comfortable bed and instantly fell asleep. I didn't dream about Quidditch. I didn't dream about Voldemort (that would be a nightmare). No, I dreamed of meeting my mother. My real mother. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Bella Figg's POV "So, do you think we should get it for her?" I asked Toria. She nodded. "It's perfect, Bella. But what should we get her for Christmas?" Me and Toria were in the Secret Room we found earlier this year. We were trying to figure out what to get everyone for Christmas. We planned presents for everyone but Noelle. That's because she also had a birthday around that time (December 22). "I don't know. Do you have any ideas?" I asked. We sat in complete silence for awhile, just thinking. "I know! Why don't we get her a - " but Toria was cut off. Lily Evans had walked in. She looked at me curiously. "You're getting a what for whom?" she asked. Okay, I admit it. The truth is that Lily doesn't know that me and Toria are still friends with Noelle. And hopefully, it will remain that way… Toria looked guiltily at the ground. "We were just discussing what to get you for Christmas," she said in a high voice. Gosh, Toria is a superb actress… Lily looked ashamed of herself. "I'll just go now," she said, backing out of the room. "So, what do we get her?" I asked. "Noelle likes flying, right?" Toria began. I nodded. "Well, what's the best broom?" I raked my brain for the answer. "Didn't they just come out with a new broom? The SnapDragon?" I guessed. Toria nodded. "We can get it, and have it personalized. Color, Design, Number, you can have names engraved…" Toria's voice trailed off. "Let's get it. Where can we find a broom catalogue?" "Maybe in the Owlery!" Toria shouted. We ran out of our secret headquarters and to the Owlery. ******* (time change) ******* Herbology. Just the name makes me cringe. I do not have a talent with plants. Especially today… We were collecting seeds from some plant. I don't know what it's called. I don't really care either. However, I accidentally (this time, it really was an accident!) spilled the seeds everywhere. "Miss Figg!" screamed the Professor. Professor Sprout is a frizzy haired old woman, with dirt that would forever remain under her fingernails. She's kind to everyone, but me. During the 3rd week of classes, she overhead me telling Remus that I despised Herbology. I am now considered her least favorite pupil. "Miss Figg, you just cost me over 150 seeds! You will serve a detention, looking for 150 seeds," she said angrily. I groaned. I HATE Herbology. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sirius add another tally into his notebook. ******* (time change) ******* Dinner that night was solemn. Voldemort had murdered four families. Three of the families were wizarding families. One was a muggle family with a wizard son. One of the wizarding families had 2 children that attended Hogwarts. I stared at the black tapestry with trepidation. Would my family be next? The black tapestry was a memorial. All who were murdered by Voldemort had their names on it. Professor Dumbledore waved his wand, and more names appeared. All of the names on the tapestry surrounded one word. A complex, yet simple word. 'Remember'. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Severus Snape's POV I saw Noelle sleeping in one of the green armchairs. I gently shook her awake. "What now Severus?" she said groggily. "Why don't you sleep in your own bed?" I asked, brushing a strand of hair out of Noelle's face. She nodded, as if saying "Okay". I helped Noelle up, and we walked towards the dorms. "So, what do you want for Christmas?" I asked when we reached her dormitory door. I already had a birthday present for her. Noelle yawned sleepily. "Sevvie, just surprise me," she said, leaning against the door. It happened in a flash. Noelle went rigid and began to fall. I grabbed Noelle before she hit the floor, lifted her up, and carried her to her bed. I gently laid her down while Narcissa Watkins and Alexiandra Marsiella rushed over. Alexiandra's name is a strange one. Her father wanted to name her Alexis. Her mother wanted to name here Alexandra. So, they mixed it together, and came up with Alexiandra. "Severus, is she okay?" Alexiandra asked, a worried expression on her face. "See what happens when you don't have Slytherin spirit?" Narcissa said snootily. She stuck her nose in the air. "Shut up, you old hag. Noelle is so much friggin' better than you, so you don't need to turn your huge nose up at us. And she doesn't need Slytherin spirit. She's amazing without it," I said angrily. Narcissa was shocked. "Lexi, can I use your wand?" I asked. Lexi handed me her wand. I conjured up a stretcher. I knew many advanced spells. I then floated Noelle to the Hospital Wing. "Madame Pomfrey!" I screamed. The fairly young nurse (around 50 years old) ran in. "Oh my!" she gasped. "What happened?" "We were talking one minute, and the next she went like that," I said hysterically. Noelle had began shaking, and muttering some ancient language under her breath. "Go get Professor Dumbledore. I believe he is having a midnight snack in the Great Hall," she said, laying Noelle in one of the beds. I ran out and turned a corner. I ran straight into Professor Dumbledore. "Sir, Noelle. Hospital Wing! Hurry!" I managed to blurt out. Professor Dumbledore nodded and walked briskly to the Hospital Wing. I ran and stood outside the room. I heard Madame Pomfrey and Professor Dumbledore conversing. "I don't understand, Albus." "There's nothing we can do. It's not an illness that Noelle has," I heard Professor Dumbledore whisper. "But what is it?" "Noelle is beginning to access her powers." "But how? Albus, she is too young!" "Poppy, age is just a number. And besides, the prophecy states that she should receive her powers during a time of darkenss. And this is it. The time of Darkness." I peeked into the room. Noelle had stopped shaking. I walked in slowly. "Is she okay?" I asked tentatively. "For now," Professor Dumbledore answered. I sat in a chair right next to the bed that Noelle occupied. As I held her hand, I remembered the first time we had met. ---------------------------flashback------------------------------ Stupid Lucius. He is such a baby! And he is a meanie! I was wandering around Malfoy Manor, because Lucius wouldn't let me play with his toys. At this moment, I was lost. Malfoy Manor is big! I turned another corner and found out where I was. I was in the forbidden East Wing. I opened a door, hoping it was an exit. It wasn't. It was a bedroom. A girl that looked around my age (six) was playing on the floor. I looked around the room. The girl noticed me looking around. "Who are you?" she asked me. "I'm Severus Snape," I introduced myself. "Noelle Charrier," she said. "What are you doing here? You're not a Malfoy.." Indeed she wasn't… She had brown hair instead of the traditional silver of Malfoys. She had warm hazel eyes; not cold silver. And she didn't have that look that was if there was dung right under her nose. This girl definitely wasn't a Malfoy… Noelle snorted. "Thank goodness I'm not a Malfoy. Thy are all snooty gits! Nah, I just live here." I laughed. She smiled. "Would you like to play," Noelle asked warmly. I nodded, and we played for the rest of the afternoon, until I had to leave. -----------------------End of Flashback---------------------- From that day on, we were best friends. And as I held Noelle's hand, I could stop the tears flowing from my eyes. It's just that… Noelle was so vulnerable. She was so helpless right now. And there was nothing that I could do… ******* (time change) ******* I woke up the next morning wondering where I was. My dormitory wasn't all white, and there was certainly no windows with sunlight pouring through… Then, I remembered. I was in the Hospital Wing! I turned to find Noelle sitting up, a half-eaten box of chocolate frogs in front of here. She smiled. "Hey Sevvie," she said softly. I hugged her. "Noelle, I was so worried." "Sev, you're choking me," she managed to get out. I let go of Noelle, turning red. "Er… sorry." Noelle laughed her musical laugh. "It's all right." "So, are you okay?" I asked. "For the most part, I'm fine. Dumbledore explained everything to me. But I can't tell anybody, and that's killing me…" "Well, I'll leave so you can get your beauty rest. God knows you need it!" I joked. Noelle just made a face at me in response. I walked towards the door. "Severus?" Noelle called out. I halted. "Alexiandra was in here earlier. She came to make sure I was okay. She told me everything. And… what I mean to say is… well… thanks Sevvie." I smiled before walking out of the hospital wing. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Thomas Brooks' POV "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way," I sang softly to myself. Christmas was in one week. And what a Christmas it would be. It shall be the first Christmas that I don't spend with my parents. They had to work over the holidays. They were both Unspeakables, and had business in America. I believe it had something to do with Voldemort… And so, Michael and I would be the only Gryffindors left over holiday. I miss my parents so much. Family has always been the most important thing in my life. And Christmas is time for family, but I wouldn't be with mine… As I turned a corner, someone bumped into me, falling on the ground. I groaned when I saw who it was. "Malfoy," I acknowledged. "Brooks," he sneered. He picked himself off the ground. "Watch where you're going. I have the right mind to curse you." "Is that so?" I asked innocently, twirling two wands in my hands - Malfoy's and my wand. "Give it back, Brooks," Malfoy said angrily. "If you say so." I pointed his own wand at Malfoy and whispered the body-binding curse. I tossed his wand on top of his now still body. "Have it your way," I said, before walking off. ******* (time change) ******* I climbed through the portrait hole and sat in an armchair by the fire. "Hullo," said a voice behind me. I turned to find Remus, a chess set in his arms "Chess?" I sighed. "Remmie, ol' buddy, I'm not in the mood to beat you again." "What happened to yo- hey! You wouldn't beat me!" "I had a run in with Malfoy who is out looking for revenge. So, that makes two people out to get me. And, I will beat you, if I play you." Remus chuckled. "What did you do to him?" I grinned. "I sort of body-binded him with is own wand…" "I wish I could have seen his face!" Remus said. "A book on curses: 14 galleons. A wand: 7 galleons. The look on that stupid prat's face after you curse him: priceless." We both laughed again. "Chess?" Remus asked again, hopefully. "Fine. But I'm black!" After a miraculous game of chess, in which I spectacularly lost, we started a game of Gobstones. I lost at this too. Today wasn't my lucky day… ******* (time change) ******* Potions. Just the name strikes fear into the hearts of witches and wizards everywhere. Especially if Professor Hoffman teaches the class. And especially if Severus Snape had planned his revenge during that particular class… Snape had 'volunteered' to pass out the ground up maggot intestines. But he had added something else to all of the Gryffindor's ingredients. Snape added daisy roots, which would ruin the potion and cause it to explode. Unluckily for Snape, I noticed this. I nonchanantly switched the Slytherin and Gryffindor ingredients with a flick of my wand. As Snape and Malfoy brewed their potions, they smirked at us the whole time. I was sitting by Michael, since his partner, Noelle, was in the hospital wing. Snape and Malfoy continuted smirking, that is, until their enlarging potions blew up, along with every other Slytherins'. It was hilarious, seeing Snape's already big nose enlarged to the size of a large watermelon. The life of a Marauder is a good life… ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Lily Evans' POV I stood on the platform, saying goodbye to Sirius an dRemus. Toria and Kiana had walked home (they lived in Hogsmeade), and Bella used floo powder (she was visiting an Aunt in America). Potter was at the station, but I wasn't going to say goodbye to him. Bella talked me into getting him a Christmas present, since he was getting me one. I can't wait until he opens it… "Bye Siri, bye Remmie!" I called out, as I walked to where my parents were standing. "Good Riddance, Potter!" My dad, Ethan Evans, loaded my trunk into our big white car. I sat in the backseat, next to Petunia. For awhile, I stared out the window, enjoying the scenary. 'Twas wonderful to be going home! I turned to my older sister. "So, Petunia, how's life?" I asked. Petunia looked at me sourly. "A lot worse since you got here, freak!" "Petunia!" my mother, Violet, said in shock. "Well, it's true," Petunia said, crossing her arms over her chest, and gazing at me with loathing. "Petunia Iris Evans! You shall apologize to your sister right now!" "Sister? I don't have a sister!" she said. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "PETUNIA!" my mother screamed. "Sorry," Petunia said sarcastically. However, my mother let it go. I stared out the window, blinking tears out of my eyes. Why did Petunia hate me so much? ******* (time change) ******* I woke up early on Christmas morning. My mum made blueberry pancakes, eggs, sausages, and bacon for breakfast! She is the best cook in the whole wide world! As we sat eating breakfast, around eight owls flew in and dropped presents under our christmas tree. I ran over and began opening my presents. Thomas got me a book about Charms. Michael got me a book on Curses. A note was attached : Here are some new ones to use on ol' Jamsie boy! Speaking of Potter, he got me a box of chocolate frogs. Of course they were charmed so that when you ate them, you would turn different colours. Remus got me a chess set. Kiana got me these gorgeous earrings. They are in the shape of lilies and have an emrald in the center of the lily. Bella and Toria chipped in to get me a beautiful green dressrobe. Sirius got me the best gift in the world! He got me a Deluxe Mischief-Making Kit from Zonko's. I tore that open, and found a set of teacups. I read the instructions. Use these to whoo your family and friends, without magic. Just tap a teacup with your wand, and it will turn into a rat! Happy Mischief Making! "Hey Mum, Father, look at this!" I tapped the teacup with my wand, and true to it's word, it turned into a rat. "Wow, Lily, that is amazing!" said my mother. "Ethan, isn't our little girl amazing?" "She most certainly is…" Meanwhile, Petunia was opening the present I gave her. I had gotten Petunia a glass angel that she has always admired. Petunia stood up, the angel in her hand. "I hate you Lily," she whispered. She then threw the glass angel as hard as she could against the brick fireplace. It instantly shattered into a million pieces. "I HATE YOU LILY!" she screamed before running up the stairs. I heard the door slam before I burst into tears. Merry Christmas Lily. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Noelle Charrier's POV I had stayed at Hogwarts over Christmas. I couldn't stand being around Magdalena, Luci, and Luci Jr. over the holidays. And so, I was the only one left in the Slytherin Common Room. All alone on Christmas… I had put a christmas tree in the Common Room. I decorated it all by myself. The most spectacular angel was on top. She looked sort of like me… I awoke on Christmas morning to find presents by the tree. Wow, people actually got me presents? This must be a mistake… But all of the presents had my name on them. It has always been a tradition of mine, to open my birthday presents on Christmas, that is if I got any. I first opened a birthday present from Severus. It was a beautiful necklace. It said Noelle and had real rubies and emeralds and diamonds encrusted in it. For Christmas, Sev got me a gift certificate for all of the stores in Hogsmeade. Bella and Toria had gotten me a joint birthday present and a joint Christmas present. For my birthday, they got me a snow globe. It had Hogwarts inside it, and you could go through different parts of the castle. It was beautiful. For Christmas, they got me a broom. A real Broom! Not just any broom though. I now was the proud owner of a SnapDragon! There was one last present under the tree. I looked for a card, but there wasn't one. I opened it, and found the card on the inside. It read : N- Thanks. Love, M I opened up the box gently, and found a mirror. A note was with it. With this mirror, you can see any person you wish. Just tap it with your wand, and say their name. However, if you don't have your wand, you can say Show me ________. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday! I looked at the mirror. It was a gold compact. On the front, my name was engraved. Different jewels were encrusted in it. It was gorgeous. I had got Michael a present too. I hope he likes it… ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Michael Barnette's POV I opened my presents earlier that day. I had gotten stuff from Honeyduke's, Zonko's, and Flourish and Blott's. But those didn't compare to Noelle's gift. She had given me a journal. A blank journal. I tried writing in it, and it wrote back to me. Noelle wrote back to me. She said that it was a thinking journal, and whenever I needed to talk to anyone, I could just write in it, and we'd be able to talk, in a sense. I talked to Godric earlier on Christmas morning. He's been like a grandfather to me ever since I opened the book. It's helped me get through this hard time. And now, I was attempting to write a letter… __________________________________________________ Dear Dad, My name is Michael Barnette-Potter and I was am your son. My mother Anastasia wrote to tell me. I received the letter after she died. You probably don't know that she died. She told me that not many knew you are were married. It was kept a secret , because of Voldemort, and not even the Ministry knew. They also didn't know that you had children, since you divorced right after James was born. You probably don't even know that you have another son. James was born in February. You and my mother divorced in late March. I was born in the beginning of November. Anastasia was a great person, and a great mother. I miss her a lot. She said lots of wonderful things about 'my father'. Even though she would never tell me your name, I know that she still loves you. In the letter, she said that you are my guardian, and that I am to live with you. But dad, if you don't want me to live with you, I understand. I ask of you to write back as soon as you can. And please don't tell James yet. I think I should be the one to tell him. Yours Truly, Michael Barnette-Potter __________________________________________________ Screwed up letter? I know. But how exactly do you tell someone that you are their long-lost son? If you have any suggestions, just let me know… ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Sirius Black's POV I love Christmas. It is the season of love, of happiness, and of pranking. So far, I have drove our entire village crazy by putting nose-biting teacups in every cabinet, putting frog spawn in every body of water, and blowing up random things. I have also dungbombed every house within a 3 mile radius. That's just what I did yesterday. Ahh, the life of a Marauder. Whatever should I do tomorrow? Now, it was Christmas. I got lots of stuff from Zonko's. And I got stuff from Honeydukes. I can't wait until we can go to Hogsmeade. But that isn't for another 2 and 1/2 years. I can't wait that long. I had tons of extra homework to do. Instead of assigning me detentions, teachers have been giving me extra work. That's not fair! I want detentions! We only have 1,200 to go. And we still have 6 and 1/2 more years! Estella is really happy that me and Andromada are back. She misses us a lot, even though she won't admit it. What can I say, I'm miss-able. My parents are really happy, because I haven't done that much bad stuff lately. Everything has been reversable. I have too much work to do! Andromada is really happy, because she got assigned 'detention' in History of Magic. And she was assigned 20 essays to do. And the Marauders had to do them… And I'm happy because it's Christmas. There haven't been many murders in the past week. And, I get to eat lots of Christmas food! Yummy! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~