Well, sadly to say (I bet you guys are thinking "yeah right") this is the end of the Simply Irresistible series. I know some of you guys out there will be disappointed, but if I must I'll do a sequel. I you *want* me to do a sequel, you've gotta give me suggestions for it. OK? For those of you that are remotely interested, I'm feeling a lot better. I'm also listening to Toploader, so that's even better. I don't think there's much to say, so I won't say. K? Well. Read and review as always. The final part is officially beginning......... Now. "Geez. What is wrong with Ron?" Ginny started, watching her brother space out on his couch. "I dunno Ginny," Harry replied, slinging an arm around her shoulders, "I just wish he'd go talk to that Hermione woman. He really likes her." "I hate to see him like this- he's never, ever been like this. Ever." "Well, I guess there's always a first time for everything, right?" "Yep." "You and me are one of those things, you know." Harry said, and he kissed her. "Yeah, those things always turn out OK..." Ginny said breathlessly and re-started the kiss. "God, please, tell me what I have to do!" Severus Snape wondered aloud. "Severus, I have told you that you have to make Ron and Hermione realise their love for each other," God said patiently, "I cannot tell you exactly how. That is your decision." "Yes sir, thank you. I will try and think of a way." Snape wondered off, to solve the mystery of how to do it. God sighed. What He hadn't told Snape was that all angels have a chance to return to earth and talk to their loved ones one last time. Also, they could bring someone they truly loved with them back to Heaven, but if they loved this certain person enough to let them go then the angel would become human again. (A/N- sigh. If only life was really like this, we'd all be a little happier, wouldn't we?) After contemplating this, God turned around to talk to His son. "So how is Mary and Joseph? I trust you still see them?" "Yes Father, in fact they're standing right next to you." Jesus said, smirking. "Oh yes. So they are." "Oh God oh God oh God. What the hell am I gonna wear?" "Hermione. Chill." Neville said, watching Hermione bite her nails to pieces. "You're gonna be cooking, you don't have to go out to see what people think of your food, but they'll love it, you're a great chef, and you'll do everything brilliantly! Forget about Ron! He can be a complete jerk sometimes!" "Really?" "Really! Now, go upstairs, put some clothes on, and prepare yourself! We'll come early with you, won't we Sybill?" Neville added at the end, calling up the stairs. "Definitely!" she called back, "And Padma should be here any minute!" The doorbell rang. "Oh, there she is!" Hermione walked to the door and let Padma in- only there were two of her. "Eh?" Seeing Hermione's confused face, one of the Padma's said "Oh, this is my sister Parvati." "Hi, nice to meet you," Parvati said, "Hi... how do I tell you two apart?" Hermione asked. "Oh... I've got the shorter hair." "Both of your hair is up." "Oh yeah. Well," Parvati said, "I'll take mine out." She released the clip holding her hair up and a stream of long hair fell out. "That's better." "Cool. Now I can tell you apart." Hermione said, closing the door behind them as they walked through. "Sybill! Are you ready yet?" she called up the stairs. "Yeah!" came the answer as Sybill walked down the stairs in a ballgown. "How do I look?" "Beautiful." "Really?" "Yeah," Harry said, admiring Ginny who was wearing a deep purple dress. "Thanks," said Ginny as she hugged Harry, "you're not so bad yourself." Harry was wearing a tux as well. "Anyway, we'd better go and get Ron." "Yeah. All right then." Harry opened the door and Ginny walked through and he followed her. "Me lady?" He said in a cockney accent, offering his arm to her. "Ta very much mate." Ginny said, playing along and linking her arm with his. They walked to the end of the street, and ended up at Ron's house. Yes, he and Ginny lived very close to each other, but hey, that was life. Harry rang the doorbell, and Ron yelled out "Come in! It's open!" Ginny and Harry looked at each other. What kind of nut leaves their door open on a Saturday night in London? They walked through, and Ron came running down the stairs. "How do I look?" he said, "Er... Ron?" Harry began, "I think you might want to put on some trousers." "What?!?" Ron looked down, and sure enough, there were no trousers there. No wonder he felt cold. "Oh shit." Ron ran back upstairs and quickly shoved on the bottom half of his tux. He was so nervous. It was Hallowe'en, and he was surprised that Harry was looking cheerful. This was, of course, the anniversary of the Potter's death. Maybe it was Ginny's influence. But anyway, he's be seeing Hermione tonight. He couldn't believe that she was a witch and was bringing back magic. It was really weird. He only hoped she'd forgive him. But still, if she was playing hard to get, so would he. He didn't have to talk to her. Making sure that his trousers were actually on, Ron walked downstairs and called to Harry and Ginny, who were busy kissing on the couch. "Er... Guys?" No answer. "Helloooo!" Still no reply. "YO! YOU SMEGGING IDIOTS NOW IS NOT THE TIME LETS GO COS WE'VE ALL GOTTA BE THERE EARLY!!!" That did it. They whipped round, and Harry wiped lipstick off his mouth hurriedly. "Thank you." Ron walked out and got into his car. After thinking he should really stop watching so much Red Dwarf (A/N- that's where 'smeg' comes from) he then heard a song on the radio- half the lyrics were right, but the other half wasn't- it certainly was time to face the music... but not to dance. OK. I'm here. I'm gonna be cooking. I don't have to see Ron. We don't have to see each other... I don't have to look into his eyes and fall head ove- STOP IT! He doesn't like you! He never will! If you see him, act naturally or shun him away. Allrighty. Here we go. Hermione thought, tensely walking through the Oscuro's to the kitchen. Neville was following her, because he was helping her in the kitchen, and he was making commentary like David Attenbourough. "And here we have... the very lady that has fallen in love... with an old school friend... we now have rare footage of her making her way into the shop... so very rare... but we have yet to see whether she will go to Ron and make up with him. Our subject walks slowly up the stairs, feeling to melancholy to take the lift. She would rather take the longer route upstairs... than make her intrepid journey quicker than by taking the-" "SHUT THE HELL UP NEVILLE!!!!" "ok" "OK. I am just gonna go in there, and not look at her. OK. But how can I not...?" Ron muttered to himself as he walked up the stairs. "Look, she's a witch. Magic is gone you stupid pillock, no-one's gonna bring it back. She's gotta be a really dark witch to be able to so that... OH MY GOD!!! Maybe we didn't defeat You-know-who... Crap." Ron tried to convince himself that this was the case, he even said the words with dynamics and in a believing tone, forcing himself to believe it. He knew, deep down, that she was just a normal person, who he was slowly falling in love with... Oh God, he thought, why can't I shake this feeling out of my head? Why do I like her so much...? Hermione and Neville walked into the kitchen, to be greeted by Draco Malfoy, the crazy chef that Hermione had seen earlier, talking about... truffles. "Oh, so zees ees ze new chef we 'ave! She must be incredible, for Weasel to 'ire 'er!" Unlike when he was younger, no-one laughed at Malfoy's statements. They all found him irritating, putting on a fake French accent to make himself seem more sophisticated. It didn't work, even Goyle found him annoying. "I guess you're Malfoy." Hermione said, remembering something Ron had told her, "his assistant Malfoy's a git". She almost laughed out loud. "Zat I am, and you must be...?" Malfoy said, taking her hand, sleazily. "Hermione Granger." Hermione said, quickly taking her hand out of his grip. "Ah... a feisty one. I'll soon 'ave you into my spell..." Malfoy said, walking away to get the menu. "Zees ees what we are making," he said, "Firstly truffles wiz a rich sauce, zen lamb parcels wiz mint stuffing, and zen finally caramel and vanilla éclairs. I do not know why zey're on ze menu, zey sound awfully sickly and zey were added on at ze last minute. Well, life goes on, I suppose." Malfoy walked off, leaving Hermione to consider the reason why Ron had changed the menu at the last minute to add on her éclairs... maybe he did like her. Just then, Ron walked in, went to Hermione and said briskly "Look, the meal starts in half an hour. I expect you to be cooking by now." "Look, Ron, I'm sorry about whatever I did, but you've done some things too." "Like what?" "Just cos I managed to make you rise up on the ceiling-" "You couldn't stop it! I was being pressed against it! It hurt, OK! You try being pressed against something by nothing in particular and not getting freaked out!" "You ran out and haven't been nice to me since!" "Well, Hermione, I think that you're a witch. OK?" "Why would I be a witch?" Hermione said, scoffing, but then she remembered that letter she'd thrown away all those years ago... "Well, I'm sorry that you think that, but I've got a lot on my mind at the moment," Hermione said, getting tearful, but not crying, "So if you don't mind I'd like you to go away!" Harry, who had stood in the back ground all this time, leaned over to Ron and said, "Don't you think we should ask how the assistant chefs are doing?" "Sure," Ron said, fuming. There was his Weasley temper. "MALFOY! How do you feel about this?" "Nous sommes nagé en une flaque de mierde." He said, in French. No-one seemed to understand him, and he was pretty pleased about it. "Right.... Well. We're gonna go now. Get cooking!" Ron ordered Hermione, but hey, he had a right to. After all, he had hired her. Hermione walked over to the stove and looked at the recipe one last time. She added the cream, the sugar, everything in the sauce, all the time remembering how Ron was so mad at her, and how he didn't like her at all. The tears that had been tempted to fall were now released. Hermione sobbed as she stirred the sauce, and she didn't notice some of her tears actually fell into the sauce. Malfoy walked up to her, taunting. "Zis sauce ees not ze right colour. And zee consistency is all wrong." He walked away, shaking his head. Hermione got mad. "ALL RIGHT!! THAT IS IT! You think I don't speak French, Malfoy? Don moi le fig." "Le fig?!?" "Yes, that's right. None of your stupid truffles. I want the figs." "Well, I guess zat you're zee boss..." Malfoy walked off, muttering. He brought back the figs. "Right! Now, I want you to keep the figs whole, but I want small incisions in the top, four of them, and then fan these small sections out. Understand?" "Yes, of course mademoiselle." "Good. Now get going!" Hermione turned back to her sauce, still feeling pretty upset. It was still all right, thank goodness. It hadn't curdled or anything. After tasting it, she added more cream and then it was ready. Malfoy and the other assistants came over, with figs neatly placed in the centre of the small plates they were carrying. "Good Malfoy. Now, drizzle the sauce around the fig and sprinkle the fig with sugar. Got it?" They nodded. "Good." When this was all finished the waiters came in and took the figs out. Everyone ate them. Then they started crying. Ron, who was not actually eating in the restaurant, just supervising everything, including making the band play the right music, and meeting people who congratulated him on everything (especially the incredible floor), saw everyone was crying. He walked up to Ginny and Harry who were, in fact, crying, and said "Ginny! What's wrong? Harry! My God, I never thought I'd see you cry... why are you all crying?!? "This..." Ginny began, "It's..." she sniffed, "Amazing... So delicious..." she burst into tears. "Harry?" "It's wonderful!" He said, wiping his eyes on his serviette. "All right, I'm gonna see what she did!" Ron stormed into the kitchen, after being stopped by a few people on the way who smiled watery smiles at him. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!?" he yelled at Hermione "What?" Hermione said, looking up. "They're all CRYING out there! What did you put in the sauce?" "I didn't do anything..." she said, getting emotional again. "Why are you blaming me?" "YOU COOKED IT!" He roared. This set Hermione off crying. "I'm sorry Ron! Whatever I did I'm sorry! I don't get why you don't like me anymore!" She cried. "Look, the next course better be good!" Ron stalked out of the kitchen back into the dining room. Hermione was in shocked silence. There she was, thinking that this was going OK, but it wasn't. She wiped the tears from her eyes, and turned to the assistants. "Look, this may not be going OK, but we can make it work. You" she pointed to someone, "Get the lamb. Cut it into slices and hollow out the middle of the slice." She turned to someone else, "You can chop up the mint and you can help him. You-" she pointed to Malfoy. "You can set the oven up and you can also load the dishwasher with the dirty plates." She pointed to a pile of plates. "Yes ma'am!" Malfoy mocked a salute, and slunk away to do it. Hermione slid down the wall she was leaning against, silent and pale. I don't get it... she thought. I thought this would be OK, but noooo, it has to turn out badly. Eugh. The bangs and clangs and petty conversation in the kitchen faded away. Hermione looked up, and they were still working. Silently. Something had to be wrong. "Sir! It's not working! They hate each other!" Snape said worriedly to God. "Severus, it will be all right. They Ron will realise his mistake. Deep down they do love each other- they just don't know it yet. I've told you before you have to help them." "Yes sir. I will think of something," he said, hoping he sounded like he believed it more than he actually did. "Severus? You don't think you can, do you?" why does God have to know everything? Snape thought. "No sir, I don't." "It will happen. I know it will." Good thing God's always right, Snape thought. Hermione was still sitting at the bottom of the wall, wondering why everyone was silent. Neville walked over to her. "Hey," he said, in a whisper, as though it was forbidden to break the silence. "Are you all right?" "Yeah... I'm fine." She said, not believing it for one moment. Sybill walked in, saw Hermione, and rushed over. "Hermione! Are you all right?" "yes, I'm fine." "No you're not." "You're right, I'm not." "What is it?" "Everyone's doing really weird things! First I was crying, then people ate my food and started crying! Then I was silent and now everyone's silent!" Hermione said, Sybill gave her a look that you often give young children. "Hermione, don't you get it? Everything you are feeling is going into your cooking! That's what happened with the éclairs, that's what happened with the crab, that's what happened with the figs, that's what's happening now! You are magic!" "So Ron was right..." Hermione was shocked silent, yet again. Neville and Sybill couldn't get another word out of her, so Neville carried on cooking, and Sybill re-joined the dinner. After a while, the waiters served the lamb. Ron walked out from his office where he had gone to think for a while, and found everyone silent. He walked over to Ginny, walking quite loudly and earning some glares from the guests. "Ginny! What the Hell is going on?" Ginny didn't say anything, just brought a finger to her lips and said "Shh...". Ron looked at her, confused. He once again marched into the kitchen. "Hermione! You've made them all silent!" Hermione turned round slowly. "Yes I have, I didn't mean to, but it seems that your theory that I'm a witch is true." She said, calmly. "I hope you don't mind, but dessert's being cooked and I have to get back to it." "Oh..." Ron said, taken aback. "I'll leave you to it then," he said. He started to walk away, then turned and said "Hermi? You're a great chef you know." And then he walked out of the kitchen. Hermione felt her heart swell. he does like me! Wow!. She then turned back, cooking the vanilla sauce for the eclairs. When it was finished, she picked up her coat and left before she could see it served. Neville would have to find his own way home. Ron looked out of his office window. There was a man walking a dog, a jogger running, a man kissing a lamp post (?!?) and a young lady getting into a taxi- that was Hermione! Why was she leaving? Ron felt he had to stop her. He leant out of his window shouting, but it was to no avail, she couldn't hear. He heard a rustle behind him, and he whirled around. There was a light breeze ruffling the paper aeroplane he'd made when he first fell for Hermione. Little did Ron know that the angel Snape had turned himself invisible and rustled it. brilliant! Ron thought. He picked up the plane, aimed carefully and threw the plane out of the window. Snape the invisible angel held it in his hand and flew with it to make sure that it landed in Hermione's lap, going through the open taxi window. "Oh!" she said, and then stuck her head out of the window. She saw Ron disappearing into his office. She told the taxi driver to stop, and jumped out of the car. She walked briskly up to Oscuro's main doors, walked inside. Ron looked around the ladies dress section, trying to find a gown for Hermione. He looked at a red dress- a little closer to a summer dress than a gown- then saw a white one- ARGH! I'm not bloody getting married! he thought. Then he saw it. The perfect one. It was royal blue, with silver trimming. Perfect... Hermione walked through the shop, and to the lift. She was going to go to the actual restaurant to see if Ron was there. The lift doors opened, and inside there was a beautiful royal blue ball gown on a stand. There was a note too. "Wear me" it said. Well, who am I to argue with the all powerful note? She joked with herself. Then she shook herself mentally. I should really stop watching lame sitcoms... She stopped the lift doors from closing and took the dress to change in the ladies bathrooms. It fitted perfectly. She stepped out from the cubicle, and admired herself in the full length mirror that the store's designers had very conveniently put there. Yes, it was Snape's work, but Hermione didn't know that. As Hermione looked at herself, she thought there was one thing wrong. What was it? She tried to place the problem, and then realised it was her hair. It was just tied up in a scruffy bun, bits falling out everywhere. She rooted through her handbag, and found a brush, a silver clip with embossed roses on it, a few hair grips, some make up and a blue rose. That's weird, she thought, I didn't put that there... Hermione wondered where the blue rose had come from. She'd never seen one before. She didn't know that it was a rose found only in the magic world. The blue matched perfectly with Hermione's dress. Hermione took her hair out and brushed it; it had become a lot less bushy as she had grown up, and now fell in gentle curls. She held it in a low ponytail, twisted it up and secured it with the clip. A few bits of hair fell loose, framing her face. Not knowing what to do with the blue rose, Hermione pinned it just above her ear with the grips. All she had to do know was meet Ron. She hoped he'd like it. Snape looked at his work, pleased. All Ron and Hermione had to do was meet and everything would be perfect. God sauntered over to him. "Nice work, Severus. Now, I have something to tell you." God paused, and then decided to continue as Snape looked on in wonder. "Angels have the power to become human again, to see their loved ones. They can bring their true love back to Heaven with them as well." Snape's mouth opened. "Now, who would you like to see?" Snape didn't have to think about this. "Sybil Trelawney." "Granted." Said God, and Snape found himself standing inside the restaurant on the dance floor. Everyone was dancing, looking into each others eyes with love- it seemed that Hermione's éclairs had done the job they always did. Sybil looked round and saw Snape standing there, looking as real as herself. "Oh my God!" she shrieked, but Snape hushed her up quickly. "Hi Sybil. I've chosen tonight to become human and see you again." He said, calmly. "Oh my... let's go outside and talk." Sybil led Snape outside, and they sat down talking. "How did you manage this?" "Well, unknown to me, angels can return to earth," he began, deaf to Sybil's whispers of 'Angel?', and he carried on. "And they can see their loved ones again. I chose you Sybil. I love you, and I never said it to you because I was too afraid..." he broke off. "Severus... I love you too." Sybill said to him. "There's something else too... I can take my loved one up to Heaven with me..." "But Severus... I want to stay here." "I know. And I understand your choice. So this is why I'm going to go now. I love you so much... I have to let you go." A light shone on Snape, "I'll always love you, but I have to go..." Snape stood expectantly, waiting for the light to take him up to Heaven. But nothing happened. The light faded away. "Severus... why haven't you gone?" Sybil said, but not sounding mean or anything like that. "I... I don't know." He said in amazement. God's voice answered. "Severus... what I didn't tell you was that if you loved someone enough to let them go rather than selfishly take them to Heaven with you, you'll become human again and live your life the way it was meant to be." They were speechless. "Woah." Snape said after a while. "I love you Severus." Sybil moved nearer to Snape and kissed him. "I'll never let you go again." Ron stood nervously next to the entrance of the restaurant, waiting for Hermione. That was, if she'd come. But Ron's luck was with him, Hermione walked up, looking beautiful with the gown he'd picked and a blue rose in her hair... he hadn't seen one of those for ages! "Hermione..." he breathed, "You look... stunning!" Hermione blushed. "Shall we?" Ron asked, and Hermione nodded. They started dancing, but slower, as the band started playing "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden. They hadn't had a singer before, but Malfoy had got rid of his French act, and started singing for them. He had a pretty good voice too. "So..." Hermione began, moving closer to Ron. "This is nice..." Ron said, moving closer to Hermione. "Can I ask you something?" Hermione asked, as Harry and Ginny danced past them. "Sure, go ahead." Ron said, wondering what it was she wanted to ask. "All I had to do was cook you a meal, get mad at you and dance with you, and then you were mine?" Ron contemplated this; "Yeah, pretty much." Hermione smiled. "Men are so easy," "Oh yeah." Ron agreed, and kissed her as they danced. The world seemed to stop for them, but what they both didn't realise was the fact that they were floating... A/N- Well! The end! I hope you guys all liked this. As I said before, I'll do a sequel if you want but you've gotta give me ideas for it. OK? Peace, Blur, Savage Garden and Space to all, Kate.