10 Things I Hate About You- Chapter 2 'No. I'm not kissing him.' Sirius pouted. 'But you promised, Lily-whatever-your- middle-name-' 'Rose,' Jo interrupted. 'Rose?' James said interestedly, momentarily forgetting he might have to kiss Lily (Rose) Evans. 'We should start calling you 'Petal,' or something.' Lily glowered at him. 'You call me petal and you die.' 'As I was saying.' Sirius said, butting in. 'Lily Rose Evans, you promised that you'd kiss him.' 'No, I didn't.' 'You did.' 'I did not! And I won't. Jo, I didn't say I'd kiss James, did I?' Jo thought for a moment. 'Well...technically...you did.' 'Can we forget the technical stuff for a moment? Maybe I don't want to kiss Evans!' James was beginning to get desperate, though now that he thought about it she was actually quite pretty...her hips reminded him of a banana- although he was feeling quite hungry. 'I have a name.' Lily said icily. 'Sorry, Rosie. But have you considered my feelings?' 'You have feelings?' 'Shut up, Rosie.' Lily elbowed him, but then nodded vigorously, her eyes lighting up with new hope. 'Yeah! Maybe Potter doesn't want to kiss me! I mean, he hates me! You wouldn't want to put him through all that, would you now?' 'You do realise you're sticking up for James, don't you?' 'Oops.' 'Just kiss him. We promise we'll forget if you do it.' Lily snorted. 'I don't particularly care if you forget about it or not- not that you would- and apart from that, I certainly wouldn't forget. It'd corrupt me.' 'Isn't she already corrupted?' Sirius muttered to Jo, who nodded. James leaned against the wall. 'You have to realise this. Evans and I just don't like each other. We detest each other. We loathe each other. We-' 'Yes, they get the point, Potter. Come on. I'm not kissing you, you're not kissing me, so we might as well leave.' 'How very true.' They marched out the room, arms linked, leaving Jo and Sirius to wonder about what they were doing. 'You don't think they actually kill each other, do you?' Sirius frowned, picturing them. 'Nah. Probably just critically injure each other.' 'Oh. Well. That's okay then.' *** 'Potter. You can let go of my arm now.' Lily and James were now standing in the corridor, walking along, arms still hooked together. 'What? Oh, yes, your arm.' He let go. 'Well now. Should I punch you, just so our darling friends don't have to come up with a whole lot romantic expeditions we could possibly have been involved in.' 'Yeah...like me carrying you out and kissing you by the pond with the stars reflecting in the clear, blue water.' Lily stared at him. 'And then I'd throw you in. Maybe I'd get lucky and you'd drown...' James chose to ignore this comment, and he went back to planning romantic things. 'Or, sitting on broomsticks under the moonlight sky, bats flying about our heads...' 'I hate bats. They make me think of Dracula. Oooh. Then they could suck your blood.' Lily shuddered. 'Yuck.' 'Or I could punch you right here and now...' Lily blinked. 'That wasn't romantic.' 'No, but it's what I would like to do.' She slowly backed away, green eyes narrowed with suspicion. James Potter, of course, was not actually stronger than she was (and even if he was, she wouldn't admit it) but he wasn't weak... 'How 'bout a truce?' James thought it over. 'You don't want me to punch you?' 'I'd prefer it if you didn't, but thanks all the same.' He shrugged. 'Okay. But what do we tell Sirius and Jo? I'm scared some Slytherins will 'discover' that we're madly in love or something...' he wrinkled his nose at the thought. 'Maybe we could say that we- we- found a very badly hurt person and had to take them to Madame Pomfrey?' 'I'm sure they'll believe that.' 'Okay...we went to the moon?' James, however, missed this comment- and when Lily received no sarcastic remark she was quite worried- because he was thinking about far more important matters. Lily was staring at him, puzzled. Her eyes are very pretty...they kind of twinkle. She slapped him. 'Snap out of it, Potter.' Lily peered into his eyes. 'You haven't been eating those plants again, have you?' 'What plants?' 'The ones you said tasted like chocolate- wait, no, that was Sirius.' 'Oh, those plants. They tasted like candy cane.' She rolled her eyes. 'You looked like there was a whole box of chocolate frogs open in front of you...' 'I did?' 'Yes, Potter, you did. Would you like me to write that down? You have been eating those plants again, haven't you?' Come to think of it, nice lips as well...Sirius was actually right... Lily threw up her hands. 'What?' She didn't answer, and only continued walked away. James watched her. Quite a nice ass as well...two points for Sirius. James snapped out of it. 'Hey! Where're you going?' 'To bed. To try to sleep off the effects of being around you for too long.' He ran to catch up with her. 'Don't you think it's kind of unfair that we're going to have to make up excuses for something we didn't even do?' 'Pardon?' 'Well, we haven't kissed-' 'We don't want to kiss-' '-And yet we have to make up some excuse when we didn't even do anything!' 'What's your point?' Her eyes (the pretty, twinkling eyes) were curious, boring through him. 'Well...' Why does my face have to go red? Why now? 'Are you okay?' She stepped forward, placing her hands on his forehead. 'D'you have a temperature?' A strange, light-headed feeling swept over him until he was feeling quite giddy. Thank God Evans is so thick. Lily placed her hands on her hips, watching him. 'Maybe you should lie down or something. You look ill.' 'D'you care?' 'No. I just- just- well, I don't want you get sick, do I?' 'You've put me in the hospital wing at least three times- no, four.' Lily pouted. 'It's different.' James grinned, feeling his face return to its normal colour. 'Why, Miss Evans, you're worried about my health?' Lily flushed pink, her eyes still narrowed. 'Potter, leave me alone before I murder you.' She stomped off. *** Sirius Black could get very restless. Especially during Transfiguration, History of Magic, Charms, Herbology- actually, he was almost always restless. His attention span flicked from one thing to the next remarkably quickly- like Lily with a television remote control. A few weeks after Lily had refused to kiss James (much to his bitter disappointment) he was sitting in Charms, trying very hard not to doze off.. While Flitwick was a nice wizard- not to mention a small one- he had somehow achieved to hypnotise Sirius every lesson, and it seemed he was falling into his stupor even more quickly each time. He yawned loudly, then tried to open his eyes with his fingers. Lily, who had been placed next to him (she'd been throwing pebbles at James) elbowed him. 'Sirius. You look like a fish...it's not a good look.' He sighed, and tried to transfigure his quill into a sugar quill. He licked it. It woke him up- the unpleasantly familiar taste of ink had returned, causing Sirius to make rather strange gurgling noises. Lily edged her chair away from his table. He yawned again. 'Mr Black! Would you care to tell me-' Professor Flitwick jumped off his stool to look at Sirius, eyes narrowed with disapproval. Sirius snored loudly, and Lily smiled sweetly at Flitwick, shoving Sirius's side with her elbow. (It was a very bony elbow, as Sirius later reflected, examining the bruise it had made.) He jumped. 'Ow! Evans, you need to- oh, professor! Hi! How's it going?' 'I don't understand...what'd I do?' Lily looked up from her Transfiguration homework. 'You fell asleep.' She pointed out, swatting James away from her shoulder. 'I can do it myself, thankyou very much.' James snorted in reply, stabbing the parchment with his finger. 'Beetle juice?' 'Where'd I write that? Oh- oh, yeah. Go away.' Sirius, meanwhile, was still whingeing about his detention. 'It's his fault. I don't mean to fall asleep. He just- well- don't you think his voice is kind of musical?' Jo, who had been watching Lily and James argue with some kind of relish, looked up. 'I think you're mental.' 'It is! It makes me think of that muggle lullaby- you know, the one that goes 'rock a bye baby, on the tree top, when the wind blows, the cradle will rock, down will come baby, cradle and all and daddy will catch you so something something all.' 'That's not the last line.' 'Yes, I figured that.' 'So what is the last line?' 'I don't know.' Jo shook her head sadly, and then ducked a flying quill. 'Ha! Missed me- ouch!' James cackled gleefully. I'm sorry this took so long...I will run over my teachers with a train. Yes, that'll solve all my problems. I'm sorry. Mosquitoes are currently devouring me, and it itches. THANK YOU LOVELY PEOPLE FOR ALL THOSE REVIEWS! (you can give me more if you want) Sorry if this wasn't as good as the last part- or if it was a bit boring- I'm hot, but people kept asking for it, and, apart from murdering mosquitoes, I had nothing to do.