Disclaimer: Not mine. JKR's. A/N: This is my first fic. Flame it if u want, but don't be too hard on me please, I know how bad it is! Also, contains homosexual references. If you are offended by anything like that please don't read any further. Draco Malfoy sighed. Another school year starting. Another year of studying and being unpleasant to the Gryffindors. At least it would be his last. With the Dark Lord now rampaging through the country trying to gain total power, and his father's assurances of his greatness when the Dark Lord was in full power, Draco Malfoy should have been on top of the world. But he wasn't. He was fed up with the whole Dark Arts thing. At first he had been delighted at the return of the Dark Lord, assured of his safety and position as the son of one of the most prominent Death Eaters. But then he had seen the slaughter and the terror when the Dark Lord attacked their village only a week into the holidays. He had understood why the other witches and wizards were so terrified of Voldemort. His power was amazing, and horrifying. He had seen people he'd grown up with slaughtered for no reason other than that they didn't support the Dark Arts. His own mother had been one of the dead. The one person in the world who had loved him, as his father sure didn't, he just viewed Draco as a thing, a tool for securing the destiny of the Malfoy family. His mother died as she tried to shield her friends. Draco shuddered at the memory of her lying there, face a mask of terror, stiff and cold. That one incident had made him re-value his principles, determined never to have anything more to do with the Dark Arts. And there was also one other thing, the piece de resistance of a wonderful summer. Because during the summer the unthinkable had happened. Draco Malfoy had discovered he was in love. That wasn't the worst thing. It was the object of his affections that was the problem. Because Draco Malfoy was in love with none other than Harry Potter. That slimy untidy little geek who had been his enemy for five years....and who had gorgeous green eyes. Malfoy swore and punched his pillow. While he'd had hardly any doubts about his sexuality, apart from a brief relationship with Pansy Parkinson to try and keep his dad happy, why did it have to be Harry Potter! Of course, being a Slytherin it would be unheard of to have a relationship of any kind with a Gryffindor, and being a Malfoy it would be absolutely unthinkable to try anything with Harry Potter. The Harry Potter who had caused the downfall of the Dark Lord nearly eighteen years ago. The Harry Potter who was the Dark Lord's nemesis, and who the Dark Lord would almost certainly vanquish. The Harry Potter who had a cute boyish face, a lovely smile, a waif- like body and amazing green eyes. Malfoy sighed. He couldn't very well go on being generally unpleasant to him now, and he would be disowned by all his friends and family if he did anything else. But maybe it was worth a try... Later on Malfoy was sat in his usual compartment near the front of the Hogwarts Express. He had lain his head against the cool window and was lost in thought, not even noticing his cronies Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle lumbering into the carriage. He was woken from his thoughts by Goyle poking his arm. "What!" he snapped irritably. "Just wondering when we were gonna go piss off Potter," mumbled Goyle. Potter. Just the sound of that name made his stomach lurch. Did he really want to see him? Well, of course he did, but they would all think he was coming down with something if he started acting nice. But maybe it was worth it just to see him....no. "You two go, I'll stay here," he replied. "Why?" asked Crabbe. "Do I have to justify everything I do to you!" Draco snapped. "I've just had a really rough summer, and I didn't sleep much last night, I'm going to sleep. You two do what you want!" Crabbe and Goyle exchanged confused glances and lurched out. Malfoy turned once again to the window and fell asleep. Draco was extremely quiet during the Sorting Ceremony and feast, not eating much and stealing glances at the Gryffindor table. Harry seemed to be having fun with his friends, laughing and joking with them all. He'd give anything to be his friend. But because he was a Malfoy, that would never do. "What's the matter, Malfoy?" screeched Pansy. "Are you ill or something? You're not eating!" "I didn't have a very good summer, and I'm not in a good mood, so just leave me alone!" Malfoy stormed off to his dorm, evoking surprised looks from the Slytherins. He needed to speak to someone, which was going to be difficult seeing as his mother, who had always been his advisor, was dead. Harry, meanwhile, had been surprised when Crabbe and Goyle had turned up alone in their carriage, and, without Malfoy to actually sling out the insults, had just cracked their knuckles and walked off. And he had been surprised to see Malfoy run out of the Great Hall like that. But he didn't really take any notice, and had laughed at Ron's jokey suggestion that Malfoy was developing a conscience. He had spent his summer with Ron and Hermione at the Burrow, had got together with and split up with Cho, who had now moved on to Seamus Finnigan. And Harry had found that he didn't really care about it, which had surprised him somewhat. But then he'd found out that going out with Cho wasn't really all it was cracked up to be. Her brother was far more interesting than her. "Malfoy was giving you some really strange looks earlier," remarked Hermione when they were going back to the common room. "Yeah, but Malfoy is really strange!" laughed Ron, and he and Harry ran on ahead fighting each other. "Boys!" muttered Hermione. Her bag got caught on something and she found herself pulled back. "Hermione," came a low voice behind her. She spun round - and came face to face with Malfoy. "What the hell do you want!" she hissed. He'd called her by her first name. Weird. "Hey, don't be like that, I need to talk to you!" protested Malfoy as she prepared to walk off. "Not interested." "It's about Harry." "I don't care, and I don't want to hear about what plot..." "I love him." "What?!" Hermione dropped her bag in amazement. "Malfoy, what kind of sick joke is this!" "It's no joke, Hermione," Draco sighed, running a hand through his pale blond hair. "Things...happened this summer, it made me reassess my life." He broke off as a group of Ravenclaws walked by. "Look, we can't talk here. Can you meet me tonight at the astronomy tower? Please?" Hermione thought about giving him a snappy answer and walking off, but a second glance at him stopped her. Instead of the arrogant, self-centred, mean spirited boy they knew, she saw a world-weary, lonely, vulnerable, lost young man. "OK, I'll meet you at one. See you then." At one o'clock Hermione arrived at the astronomy tower. Draco was leaning against the wall staring at the stars. She felt pity for him. He looked so lonely. "Draco..." she started, then stopped. Had she really called him Draco? But then again, he wanted to talk to her, it was only fair to be civil. He turned to her and grinned. "Look at the stars. There's my constellation. Draco. The dragon." "Draco, I don't think you got me all the way up here to talk about stars," replied Hermione, sitting on the ground beside him and gesturing for him to sit, which he did. "You're right. I came to talk about Harry, among other things." He sighed heavily, ran his hand through his silver-blond hair and stared at the stars for a moment. "I've always known I was gay. My mum was the only other person who knew. I know my dad wouldn't approve, he's seriously homophobic, which is why I went out with Pansy. Anyway, just recently, I found myself fancying Harry. At first I didn't really know why. I mean, he's skinny, he's a bit short and that scar is simply ugly. But he's friendly, he's honest, he's heroic, he's....everything I want to be. And those eyes, they're so beautiful. And it hurts because I can't have him. Dammit, I don't even know if he's gay! And he certainly wouldn't want me, no-one does." Hermione was surprised and touched by all this. She felt she could understand him now, and realised that under all the bravado and pretence Draco Malfoy was actually a really nice, lonely guy. Pity washed over her as she stared at the forlorn looking young man beside her. "I don't mean to sound insensitive, Draco, but why are you telling me this? I mean, we don't exactly get along." "Well, you seemed the obvious choice, the one most likely to listen to me. I can't tell Harry obviously, and Weasley would hit me rather than talk to me. And I've got no real friends among the Slytherins, just acquaintances and children of my dad's Death Eater friends. And I don't really want to associate with them anymore. Not after..." He broke off and looked away. "I know. I heard. Draco, I'm sorry." They sat in silence for a while. Then: "He thinks he's bi." "Eh?" "Harry. He thinks he's bi. He says the real reason he'd split up with Cho was because he didn't really want a woman, and he'd fancied her brother." "Yeah, but he'd still not want me." "You said he's everything you want to be. So why don't you change?" "I want to. But I think the other Slytherins already think I've changed too much. And... I'm scared. Scared of my dad." "Harry wouldn't be. And if you don't, then you'll have no chance with him." They sat up talking about Harry, Narcissa and other things until dawn, when they quietly crept back to their dorms, Hermione promising to put in a good word with her friends so they could try and accept him. The next day Draco woke tired but happier than he had been in ages. He'd been amazed at how easy it had been to talk to Hermione. He really needed friends like that. He resolved to change for the better, to change into someone Harry could love. All through breakfast all he could do was look at Harry and think about how much happier he would be with him. Just then his eagle owl glided down to his place, dropping a letter. It read: Draco, We have finalised the plot to bring down Potter. We need you to befriend him and lure him into the Forbidden Forest at midnight on Halloween. We will be waiting to deliver him to the Dark Lord there. I'm counting on you, Draco. Lucius. Draco's stomach turned. He couldn't believe it! He had to warn Harry somehow, but there was always the chance Harry wouldn't believe him. But maybe this was what would bring them together. Maybe he would have a chance to talk to him in Potions. He glanced at the letter again. Shows how much I mean to him, he only wants me as a tool for the plot, he couldn't even sign the letter 'dad', he thought. He made up his mind to assist Harry in his quest against Voldemort. In Potions, Snape had placed Harry and Draco together to make up a sleeping draught. They were both apprehensive, and Harry was thrown when, instead of making snide remarks and sneering, Draco actually smiled and started chatting to him in a friendly way. "What's going on, Malfoy," demanded Harry halfway through the lesson. "I mean, you're being nice. The Malfoy I know doesn't do nice." Draco gave him a little half-smile. God, he's beautiful, he thought. If only he knew what I feel. "Well, Potter," Malfoy smiled, "I just thought it was time to bury the hatchet is all." Harry snorted. "Yeah right. You don't do anything unless there's something in it for you." This made Draco smile. Had he really been so self-centred? And anyway, it did have something in it for him. The chance to be with the one he loved. "Look, Harry, I need to talk to you, okay? Can you meet me this afternoon, you don't have any lessons this afternoon, do you?" Harry shook his head, stunned by Draco calling him by his first name. "Can you meet me by the Quidditch stadium?" "And why would I do that?" Draco rolled his eyes. "Look, just trust me, ok? There's something I really need to tell you!" "What, are you going to tell me you love me or something?" Harry laughed. Something in Draco's body language made him stop. He'd gone quiet, his face carefully blank, and was stirring the cauldron awkwardly. "Look, I trust you, ok? I'll come and meet you at twelve." "Ok. See you then." At the end of the lesson, Harry rushed out. He'd been thinking ever since that exchange with Draco, puzzling over why he wanted to talk to him, why he was suddenly being so friendly. Was he in love with him? Harry thought that it was plausible, especially the way he'd been looking at him recently, and the way he'd gone quiet earlier. And Harry was surprised to find that he wasn't repelled at the idea. Obviously, he'd been attracted to men before, like Cho's brother, but he'd never done anything about it. And Draco was very attractive. But was he attracted to him? He was jerked from his thoughts by the sight of Ron falling down the stairs as he tripped over Neville's trailing bag. He joined in the laughter with the others, thoughts of Draco flying from his mind. Meanwhile, Draco had grabbed Hermione at the end of the lesson and they were walking slowly down the corridor together. "What am I gonna do, Hermione? I said I wanted to talk to him, and he said, 'what, are you gonna say you're in love with me?' and started laughing. He won't like me!" Draco whined. "Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" "I can't!" "Why not?" "I...don't know, I just....can't!" Draco made his way over to the Quidditch field at twelve, butterflies in his stomach. He'd have to tell Harry something about the plot obviously, but he didn't know how to phrase that without it sounding that he wanted to be his friend to lure him into the trap. He saw Harry waiting impatiently at the side of the stadium, with Ron. Dammit, why didn't I tell him to come alone. "What do you want then, Malfoy?" demanded Ron. "Er, well, I wanted a word with Harry. Alone, if that's ok with you, Ron." "No, it bloody well...." "It's ok, Ron, wait for me at Hagrid's." "What? And leave you alone with that slimy..." "I said it's ok, Ron!" Ron stormed off, surprised at Harry's sharp tone. "So, Malfoy, what do you want to talk about?" "Well, a number of things, really. First, my dad and Voldemort are plotting against you." "Well, that's nothing new, and I'm really not interested..." "No, listen to me! They want me to lead you to the Forest at midnight on Halloween." "So that's why you were being so nice to me!" "No, that's not it, I don't want to do it!" "You don't?" Harry was amazed. He'd thought that there was nothing Malfoy would rather do than hand him over to Voldemort and have all the glory, and said so. "Why not?" "I suppose you heard about my mum." Harry nodded. It had been splashed all over the Daily Prophet. "Well, when the attack happened, well, it made me reassess my view of the world. I decided I didn't want to be part of the Dark Arts anymore. And I'm scared to tell my dad." He paused. Harry was giving him a strange look. Was it concern? Pity? Or just plain disbelief? "I also had a chat with Hermione last night. I need friends, Harry, I don't have any real friends and when I was talking to her, I found it helped. I'd like to be friends with you guys." "Well, don't think Ron would be too happy with that," smirked Harry. Draco laughed. "No, I don't think he likes me very much." "Why are you telling me all this, Draco?" Draco hesitated. Then, without realising quite what he was doing, he kissed Harry. Harry was shocked at first, but made no effort to pull away. It felt...strange. Nice. Suddenly, Draco pulled away, a panicky look in his eyes. "Harry, I'm so, so sorry, I don't know what came over me, I...forget I was here!" And he ran off, leaving Harry staring after him, dazed but....happy? "Draco, wait!" But Draco was already out of earshot, running back towards the castle. "Hermione!" Draco ran up to her as she was going up the stairs to the library. "Draco! How did it go?" "Well....I don't know actually. We were talking. Then I kissed him." "And?" "Then I pulled away and ran back here." "Draco, you idiot! What was his reaction?" "Well, he didn't pull away...." "Then that's a good sign! He might like you!" "Yeah right. He was probably too repulsed to move." Hermione shook her head. Draco really did have a pessimistic attitude. No wonder, with his dad being what he was. "Look, I'll go and talk to him. Try and find out what he thinks." "Thanks, Hermione!" Draco hugged her. "You're a great friend. I can call you a friend now, can't I?" "Of course!" Draco let go of her as a group of Hufflepuffs walked past, and stalked back to the Slytherin common room. Later that evening, Hermione was sitting reading by the common room fire when Harry and Ron walked in. "I still can't believe that," Ron said as they walked to their seats and sat down. "Believe what?" asked Hermione. "Harry. He told me that he thinks he fancies Malfoy! I mean, why Malfoy?" "Ron, he's changed. He's a lot nicer now. And he's really sexy!" protested Harry. "I agree with Harry, Ron," admitted Hermione. "Draco and I had a talk the other day. He told me everything. He's really lonely at the moment, and scared. Just like Harry used to be before he met us, actually. And yes, he is quite sexy!" "He talked to you?" demanded Ron. "Why you and not me!" "Well maybe because you'd hit him rather than speak to him?" "Well...maybe, yeah, but...." "But nothing, Ron. He's changed and wants to be our friend. I want you to accept him." Ron mumbled his agreement, stating he'd rather see the change first before he believed it. "I'm going to find him," announced Harry. "Why?" asked Ron. "Why do you think?" Harry grinned and strode out. Draco was walking the corridors trying to remember the way to the Gryffindor common room when he saw Harry walking towards him. "Hey, Harry!" he called, running towards him. "Hi, Draco, I was just coming to find you. Um, can we go outside and talk?" "Yeah, sure." They were walking in the grounds for about an hour, talking, sorting everything out. Harry had decided that Malfoy really had changed for the better and found that he couldn't keep his eyes off him. Draco had found the same, and after an hour Harry had asked Draco out. Draco had accepted of course, and when they kissed they both felt ecstatic, and that nothing else mattered. The next few weeks passed in a blur. Draco had been officially shunned by the Slytherins, they all refused to talk to him. After an initial period of confusion and distrust, he had been accepted by the Gryffindors and now spent most evenings there with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Even Ron found out he had loads in common with Draco, and were often plotting practical jokes to play on the others. The morning of Halloween arrived, and all through the day all they could talk about was the feast. Draco however was feeling uneasy. Today was the day that he was supposed to hand Harry over to the Dark Lord. Like hell he'd give Harry up! "Harry," he said when they were all gathered in the Great Hall for the feast. "Today was the day I was supposed to hand you over to Voldemort!" "Well you're not going to, are you?" "Well, no, but Harry, my dad doesn't give up easily!" "Sweetheart, you worry too much!" Harry laughed, kissing him. "Voldemort's hardly going to come in here, is he? It's too well protected, and anyway he's scared of Dumbledore." Draco agreed, but couldn't shake off the feeling of unease he was feeling. He became more and more nervous as midnight approached. When midnight struck and nothing happened, he started to relax a bit. But then, at ten past, a flash of light flared out through the Hall and Voldemort, surrounded by Death Eaters, appeared. Students screamed. "Where is he, Lucius?" snarled Voldemort, turning his snake eyes on the Death Eater. "I...don't know, Master. He's not at the Slytherin table..." "I'm here, Father," drawled Draco, stepping out to face his father. "Boy, why did you fail to turn up?" demanded Voldemort. "He forgot, Master, I'm sure..." began Lucius. "Shut up! He can answer for himself! Well then, why?" "Because I didn't want to," replied Draco, staring Voldemort down and appearing far braver than he felt. "Boy, you disobeyed an order, and now you will pay." Draco shuddered and shut his eyes. Voldemort raised his wand.... "Stop!" shouted Harry, striding forward. "I won't let you do it. I'm the one you really want, leave him alone!" "Ah, Potter! This does get interesting! Well, you can watch your friend die. Or maybe I'll just torture you both first!" Voldemort raised his wand and pointed it at Harry. "Crucio!" Draco pushed Harry out of the way and took the curse. His screams were terrible to hear. Finally Harry couldn't bear it any longer and raised his wand. "Avada Kedavra!" His wasn't the only voice that sounded; Ron, Hermione and Dumbledore had said the curse at exactly the same time. The curses hit Voldemort, who disappeared in a blinding green flash and a scream. Draco slumped to the floor as the curse was let up. Harry ran over to him. "Draco, are you ok?" "I'll live, Harry," gasped Draco. "Why did you push me out of the way?" "You're more powerful than any of us, you're the only one who could defeat him. And I couldn't let you get hurt. I love you." "I love you too," whispered Harry tenderly, as Draco passed out. A cold, high pitched laughter sounded throughout the Hall. Someone screamed. Harry turned round. The spirit of Voldemort was floating in front of him. "How touching! Pity I have to kill you both really!" "What? How?" whispered Hermione. "Stupid girl! You realise you can't kill something that's immortal! You can just....incapacitate them for a while!" "We'll see about that," muttered Dumbledore. "Ah Albus!" Voldemort grinned. "So nice to see you again! Take him down!" But the Death Eaters couldn't move. Dumbledore smiled. He raised his wand, muttered something and the Death Eaters disappeared. "Harry, I'll need your help. Remember what we've been practising." Harry nodded and picked up his wand. They muttered something in an obscure language even Hermione couldn't understand. Voldemort screamed as his spirit imploded, breaking up into its native atoms. Dumbledore smiled at the students, who'd started cheering. "How did you do that?" demanded Hermione. "What was it?" "It was something the Ministry have been working on for two years. It's a spell that totally destroys a spirit," explained Dumbledore. "It means that we will be having no more trouble from Voldemort." At the end of the school year, Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron graduated with top marks. "So what's everyone going to do?" asked Hermione as they sat on the train taking them home. "Me and Harry are going to move in together," announced Draco. "I've got a job with the Ministry, training to be a hit wizard. It's quite exciting." "I've been offered a trial with the Chudley Cannons," announced Harry. "Trials are next week, and I'll learn if I make the team next month." "I'm trying out for keeper," announced Ron. "Although I probably won't get anywhere. And if that falls through, my dad's always got a place on his department for me. How bout you, Herm?" "I'm going to train to be a teacher," she replied. "I couldn't be anything else really, could I? I'm going to teach Arithmancy. Oh, and me and Ron are moving into the apartment opposite yours, Harry. Got to keep an eye on you, haven't we?" Harry grinned. He was happy, truly happy, and looking forward to the start of his adult life. "School's been pretty good, on the whole," he mused. "Apart from Voldemort trying to kill me every year, I mean. But I found some great friends here, discovered Quidditch and fell in love." He squeezed Draco's hand. "By the way, Ron," stated Draco, "when are you and Hermione going to get together?" "What? But I don't..." they started together, and looked at each other and blushed. "Well, maybe I do," admitted Ron, flushing as red as his hair. "Yeah, me too," admitted Hermione, blushing furiously. They leaned over and kissed each other. "Finally!" sighed Harry and Draco, smiling. The four of them felt a pang of regret as they disembarked from the train. They were a bit sad about leaving behind Hogwarts and their friends, and a few tears were shed as they said goodbye, promising to keep in touch with just about everybody. "I'm gonna miss all this," sighed Harry as they got into a cab to their new apartment block. "Me too," admitted Ron. "And we can't really say life was dull at school. I wonder what adventures face us in the years ahead?" "Who can say," murmured Hermione. "But I don't think it will be any less exciting than the past." The End