A/N Ummm....right, my comments...I want everyone to know, that I like my romance subtle. That's why there hasn't been that much yet, but it's still there, and trust me, I have the end all figured out and it IS romantic and all. Okay, that's done with...Hope you like this part, it was the hardest to write so far, so be sure to review, you have no idea how happy reviews make me. Thanks to everyone who reviewed last time, I love you all, really! Alright, I'll be quiet now, I'm feeling very talkative though. If anyone wants to chat, email me at snowydee12@aol.com Oh, right, the story...Here you go... "There's not much there," said Harry, emptying the gillyweed into his palm, "Barely enough for fifteen minutes down there, and only one of us can have a go." Hermione shivered and pulled her cloak tighter about her, "Well, then I'll take it," she said quickly. "I can't believe your missing this many classes, Hermione," said Ron as they all trudged down to the lake. "Despite what some people think, there are things I find more important then schoolwork," Hermione snapped. She took out her wand at tapped the ice. "Emsarium," she breathed softly. The ice bubbled in the center and then slowly gave way to water. She took the gillyweed in her hand and raised it to her mouth. For a split second, Ron was overcome with the urge to knock it from her hand. "Hermione, do you really think you should go down there alone?" he asked. "And how else would I get down there?" she said expectantly. "It could be dangerous..." Hermione bristled, "Really Ron, I can take care of myself," she said, "Ewww....Harry, how horrible does this taste?" "It's really slimy, sorta like you're eating worms," said Harry with a grin. "Sounds lovely," Hermione said sniffily, she lowered it into her mouth and choked it down. Nothing happened for a few moments, she felt completely normal except for the wretched taste that the gillyweed had left in her mouth. "Harry, what's happening? I don't feel..." she broke off abruptly and began to cough. It was as if all the air had been sucked away around her. She gasped and heaved a deep breath but her lungs just couldn't draw in the air. She wasn't thinking straight. Just do something, quick! She thought to herself, and yet nothing was making sense! She felt frozen to the spot, and everything was darkening, spinning around her and engulfing her... "Blimey, get into the water!" Harry yelled. His voice sounded far away and muffled. Right, you heard him, go on...Hermione bit her lip, trying to get a grip on her thoughts. Nothing made sense, she felt sick... "Hermione, what the hell are you doing? Just get in!" Said Ron, she felt him shove her towards the water. She couldn't move at all... Everything spun around as she hurled herself into the lake. As she dove down, her surroundings focused and she came to. The water was freezing, but as it flowed about her it only felt cool and comforting. The water was a crystalline blue, and icicles coated the lake bottom, jutting out all over. Hermione caught her breath and began to swim faster. She swam for quite a while without realizing where she was going... The sky darkened above her and she heard the steady beating of rain. She felt her head collide with a solid wall of ice. "Lumos," she muttered, rubbing her head irritably, but only a bubble of air came out of her mouth. She let out a silent shriek as she saw what was in front of her. A Pegasus. It was posed as if in mid flight, its tiny wings beating against the water. Solid ice encased its body, and the look on its face was not one of fear or pain... But regret. Hermione touched her hand to the ice. She felt her face flush against the cold water. She drew out her wand and quickly recited a melting spell, but nothing happened. Spinning about, she noticed that she was in some sort of underground cavern. There were stacks of ice all about her, a single Pegasus suspended in each one. She felt a pang of guilt, and then a wave of fresh fury. It was like a labyrinth, no matter which way she turned she saw more of them. Hermione shut her eyes and feverishly searched for a way out. How could no one have noticed this before her? Had no one ever bothered to find out? Had anyone even tried? She had a strange ringing in her ears and everything seemed to be blurring together. Right, that's it, I'm going mad, she thought. But then she felt a new wave of fear...her hands flew to her neck and she realized with a surge of panic that her gills had disappeared. She pushed against the wall and pressed against the ceiling to the cavern. It was solid, and not about to give way. She took a deep breath of water and choked on it. Steadying herself she swam forward. There was a pale light up ahead, if she could get there then maybe... Hermione pressed up against the ice. If she could just melt it she'd be out, she'd be safe...There was the slightest bit of air between it and the water. She breathed in deeply trying to clear her head. Nothing helped. She fumbled for her wand but found that she couldn't concentrate, couldn't get a grip on it, couldn't breath... It slipped from her grasp and swirled down through the water. She heard it land softly at the bottom of the lake, she couldn't reach it now. Her body slipped down, unable to stay afloat any longer, the water and ice blended together and began to spin furiously. Slowly, it began to fade into darkness She felt herself go limp, and then something grasped her around her waist. Everything went black. "Hermione?" Harry's voice drifted about her. She winced and waved away the sound. "Harry?" she whispered. "You alright?" said Harry. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked agitated, "You really gave us a fright." "I thought I drowned..." Hermione said softly. "Well, yeah, you almost did," Harry fidgeted a bit in his seat. "Where's Ron?" she mumbled, sitting up abruptly. "Ahhh....resting, he swallowed quite a bit of water," he said anxiously. Hermione blinked at him. Her mind seemed to be on rewind. Everything that had happened was flashing before her eyes. "Water?" she repeated weakly. Harry sighed heavily and rested his head in his hands. "You were under there for a long time, and we figured you got into a spot of trouble," he paused, "Ron was er...really nervous after you'd been under twenty minutes. Made me go to the school and get help. By the time I got back, Ron was gone and well..." he shrugged, "Got you just in time though." Catching the look on Hermione's face he added hastily, "He's alright, mind, just a bit off." Hermione squirmed in her bed. She couldn't think of anything to say. "Oh," she said flatly, "Alright." "Hermione!" said Ron loudly, walking very quickly through the door. He looked pale and kept coughing. "You're alright!" His voice sounded anxious, but he seemed to be trying to keep his words even. "I'm fine," said Hermione. She shifted again and stood up. Really, she was fine, she didn't need everyone fussing over her... Ron seemed taken aback. "Ahhh....that's good," he said shortly. Hermione felt herself go red, "Er...that's twice you've saved me. Thanks," she mumbled awkwardly. "Oh...that's okay," said Ron. There was a short pause that seemed to contain an eternity. Hermione broke it hurriedly and said, "Listen, when I was down there I saw the Pegasus, all of them. They're all frozen down there, in these great blocks of ice." Ron and Harry stared at her blankly. "You still on about that?" said Harry, "Hermione, there's no way we can save them. Give it up." "I'm not giving up." On the contrary, she looked more determined then ever. "You want to go through that again?" asked Ron incredulously, "After all that? After we both almost drowned?" "I can't let them all die!" Hermione insisted shrilly. "Would you rather we died?" asked Ron. "You don't understand," said Hermione, her face flushing in anger, "You just don't understand." "What d'you mean I don't understand? Hermione, I don't think we should all risk our lives for those Pegasus, that's all!" replied Ron, "It's not worth that. Nothing's worth that." "You just don't care, do you? Don't want to risk your life for anyone else," Hermione said swiftly, "All that matters to you, Ron Weasley, is you." "Right, that's it!" Ron yelled furiously, "I almost drowned to save you, but I don't care about anyone but myself!" He spun on his heels and stalked out of the room. Harry made as if to go after Ron, but stayed by Hermione and said quietly, "He does, you know." Hermione glared at him, "Does what?" "Care," said Harry shortly. "Oh, leave me alone!" snapped Hermione, and she too got up and stormed out of the room, leaving Harry feeling both very alone and very confused. To be continued...