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Fanfiction Archives
16,000+ Harry Potter fanfics and still growing. Do I really have to say that this is a must see site?
A site ran by Arabella and Zsenya. Has Weasley Adoration, Good Ship R/H (Ron and Hermione), and excellent fanfiction focused on either the Ron and Hermione romance or the Harry and Ginny one ^-^ My ideal site, no? All fics discussed on a forum.
Lily and James Archive
Just like the title says. A collection of fanfics centered around Lily and James
Eliza's Harry Potter Fanfiction Site
This site boasts on housing some of the best Harry Potter fanfics on the net. It definitely lives up to it.
Celestial Voices
Submissions are welcomed! There's also a fanfic/fanart contest where the winner will receive a "Magical Me" award.
R.G. William's Archive Collection
A web site where I will post my stories and I have an archive for all of your stories as well. Any talented authors may come here and have their works posted as long as they are not homosexual/violent. Grazie, please visit.
Phoenix' Cave